Video - The Final Renovation

Aishe Besim

The last few weeks of renovating were a frenzy. All hands on deck with lots of late nights!

It all came together just in time for our launch on September 30. 

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Why aren't we open yet?

Aishe Besim

I've been asked this question so often since we had our launch party on September 30. Believe it or not, I don't find this annoying at all. I love it! It means there are people out there who are interested in what we are doing. 

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Video - The Renovation III

Aishe Besim

Definitely feeling the pressure these last couple of weeks. The transformation at the cottage is massive - amazing what a fresh coat of paint does for the space!

She's finally transforming into what I envisioned the first day I stepped inside back in December 2015. Some of the more intricate paint work is being finished this week, along with external painting and flooring.

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Video - The Renovation II

Aishe Besim

Things are really progressing at the cottage now. Most of the structural work has been done, so things like plaster and painting can begin. 

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Video - The Renovation

Aishe Besim

The tradesmen on site at The Sweet Meadow tell me that locals come up to the fence daily to check out the progress of the renovation. 

So, I may as well share a video about what she's currently looking like inside! We now have all the necessary planning and building permits, so it's full steam ahead (pardon the pun, I am surrounded by paddlesteamers in Echuca). 

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Renovation Update

Aishe Besim

It's been about a month since we received planning approval to commence upgrades to the cottage at 640 High Street Echuca. 

To put it bluntly, the space has seen better days. Lots of framework has been built, sections of walls removed, floors cut open, and plumbing and electrical upgrades started. 

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