Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray.
Our blog series Living the Sweet Life showcases the workspace of someone we think is creative or inspiring.
We are fascinated by the spaces that creative people work in. These studios, sheds or rooms have evolved and grown as the maker's process and passion has developed.
We hope taking a peek into these creative spaces inspires you to create one for yourself.
Echuca, Victoria
I've known Sarah for a long time - we first met when she was studying the same fashion design course as my older sister. I remember thinking she was one of the most fun, energetic people I'd ever met.
More than a decade (and five children) later, Sarah still has the same vivaciousness and zest for life as I remember all those years ago. Instead of fashion, she is channelling that creativity into floral design.
Since having my own cafe, I've commissioned Sarah to create installations instore, we've welcomed her dried flower bar outside, and now also stock a selection of her dried floral arrangements each week.
Keep reading to learn more about Sarah's background and what inspires her creatively.
What led you to start working with flowers and plants?
I began when I was on the brink of being a single mum. I always had a creative passion and I was searching for something to fill that void. I took the plunge and went back to trade school. I knew immediately that this was my passion. I worked in a few different shops to complete my apprenticeship and finally completed my apprenticeship at an amazing florist in Strathmore. We used to do so many amazing corporate events and installations, I really thrived and loved it.
Some time later I fell pregnant with my third child and a relocation back to the country was always in the cards. We relocated, bought a house, got married, had a baby, and started Bryants Buds in a whirlwind 6 months. In 2018 I committed full time to Bryants Buds and have never looked back.
2020 saw a massive shift in my business. I left 2019 having over 50 weddings under my hat and 2020 was looking the same but Covid-19 had a different path for all of us. I closed down when the first lockdown hit. Having a daughter with poor immunity I was shit scared of this virus like everyone else.
Mother's Day 2020 was a turning point again - the flower industry saw a demand that growers were saying they hadn't seen in over 20 years. I made 300 orders that weekend. It was beyond mental but I still believe to this day this was the best advertising my business could ever do. Getting my name out there to the entire community has been tough but now after 6 years it is finally happening and I am so thankful. I get to have my cake and eat it too - run my business as well as enjoy being a mum and doing kinder drop offs and school cross country. Next year I will only have one child at home and I cant even fathom how different that will be and where my business will go next.
What inspires your work?
I love American florists and I think that reflects in my work. Everytime I set out to do a wedding bouquet or an arbour I have a vision of how I want it to look and I aim to try something different. Rose placement or flower spacing. Little things that I observe scouring Instagram.
My biggest Australian inspiration would have to be @francisfloristry. Her work is incredible and so romantic and i just love it. @the_wildflower_perth is my absolute dried flower dream. I just want to run away and live in her studio. My modern floral inspiration is definitely @bloom_boy or @flowersbymatthewjohn. These guys are beyond amazing in the creative department. I am constantly inspired by their work and slowly but surely getting some of that wow into our little country town.
How do you start your day?
By opening the curtains. I hate darkness. Generally my day is started by all my kids not by me. A kid will come in and be starving for breakfast or need a nappy change. Next step is getting something out for dinner. If I don't sort dinner in my head in the morning I can't concentrate. Need to be organised.
Day to day it is my mindset that changes, I always look back on a bouquet or arrangement and I can tell I had a migraine when I made it or I wasn't in it 100% mentally. I try and ground myself and think about the beginning and what my goal was and now I am here and remember to be grateful.
I really miss the big corporate side of floristry - entire wall installs or the Spring Racing Carnival. The bird cage was unimaginable. I would love more corporate gigs like shop window installations or back drops.